EPICS in IEEE will give a plenary talk titled Introduction to EPICS in IEEE at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) on September 10th from 1:00 PM – 1:40 PM at Santa Clara University.  During this presentation, the audience will receive a brief introduction to service learning pedagogy, the EPICS in IEEE committee’s funding priorities, the proposal process, and volunteer and mentoring opportunities to get engaged with EPICS in IEEE.

Samarth Deo and Stephanie Gillespie presenting an EPICS in IEEE workshop at the Rising Stars Conference

The presentation will be given by Stephanie Gillespie, PhD, the 2022 EPICS in IEEE Committee Chair, and Associate Dean at the Tagliatela College of Engineering at the University of New Haven in West Haven, CT.  Professor Gillespie will also include a summary of best practices for project proposals to increase the likelihood of selection for funding and will allow time for questions and answers at the end of the presentation.

“By participating in IEEE GHTC, we hope to establish stronger partnerships across humanitarian-connected groups within IEEE, providing more value to IEEE members, EPICS in IEEE Participants, and the humanitarian community,” says Stephanie Gillespie, 2022 EPICS in IEEE Chair.  If you are planning to attend the conference, we hope that you attend our presentation or plan to stop by our booth on Saturday and Sunday. 

Click here for the abstract and speaker Bio.