IEEE Foundation Funds Uganda’s First Hub for Innovation

The Science, Technology, and Innovation management platform is an EPICS in IEEE program

12 October 2015 – The INSTITUTE 

Photo: EPICS in IEEE 
Participants of EPICS in IEEE in Uganda are working to build what they call the Science, Technology, and Innovation Web-based management platform, or STI for short, to help promote innovation throughout the country.

Without the tireless efforts of IEEE volunteers, EPICS in IEEE wouldn’t be possible. This program, around since 2009, has been matching volunteers and IEEE student members with high school students. Together, they work in collaboration with local community-based organizations on engineering-related projects in their communities.

One of those volunteers is Member Ezabo Baron, who belongs to the IEEE Uganda Subsection, in East Africa, and serves as its publicity secretary. He is also the moderator for IEEE Collabratec’s Uganda Community and is a member of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Baron is the founder of Digital Exposure Projects, a not-for-profit organization based in Kampala. Its mission is to partner with advanced economies to help bring in science, engineering, trade, and technology services to emerging communities.

To read the full article,  visit the IEEE Institute by clicking here.