Environmental Projects 

Service-Learning Projects to Support the IEEE Initiative to Address Climate Change

IEEE recognizes that climate change is a global crisis and is committed to helping combat and mitigate the effects of climate change through pragmatic and accessible technical solutions and providing engineers and technologists with a neutral space for discussion and action —climate-change.ieee.org.


EPICS in IEEE has continued this commitment by supporting a call for Environmental focused service-learning projects. Students all over the world will have the opportunity to address the environmental and climate change technological needs of local non-profit organizations. Additionally, the students will come away with critical knowledge to help them succeed in their future engineering careers.

The projects should be able to be completed in 1 year or less. All projects must have IEEE members involved. We encourage teams to partner with local IEEE sections, chapters, and affinity groups as well as IEEE student branches for projects.

Selected projects will receive up to $10,000 USD, mentorship, and resources.

EPICS in IEEE is proud to collaborate on this call for projects with several partners. If you are affiliated with one of the below partners please see the information in the partner requirements section.


Proposal Submission Information

Who Can Submit?

    • Any IEEE member may apply for a grant
    • IEEE Student Branches
    • IEEE Young Professionals
    • HKN Chapters
    • IEEE Sections
    • Faculty Members
    • Teachers

Note: At least one member of the team needs to be an IEEE member and all teams must include students.

What is Funded?

    • Grant funding is available to support the implementation of an EPICS in IEEE service learning project (ie. prototyping materials, supplies, local travel). Applicants are encouraged to view the EPICS in IEEE Budget training for more information on how to create an EPICS in IEEE budget. There is a budget template that teams can use to create the budget. 
    • The following items are not eligible for grant funding:
      • International or Excessive Travel
      • Honorariums
      • Research Equipment
      • Equipment for personal use
      • Capital Equipment (this includes laptops/computers for computer labs) 
      • Overhead (general and administrative or indirect costs)
      • Construction or building renovations
      • Grants with an individual as the sole beneficiary
      • Miscellaneous (or any additional budget requests that are not itemized) 
      • Prizes or incentives for participation 
      • Services such as internet or phone plans (unless not available anywhere in the community for reasonable use)

Note: All funding is transferred to the student team through the local IEEE Section. Selected teams will be asked to provide a financial point of contact to assist with funding distribution. It can take 2-3 months to receive funding after selection depending on where the team is located.

Funding Criteria

Programs must meet the following criteria:

    • Students must be involved in the Engineering Design Process in a meaningful way
    • Teams must have at least one IEEE member
    • Projects must have a community partner
    • The project must fit within the Environmental pillar to be funded through this call. All other projects will be pushed to the next deadline and the funding decision delayed.
    • Must include technology that falls within the scope of IEEE


Program Evaluation

The EPICS in IEEE Committee will review all proposals using the EPICS in IEEE Project Evaluation RubricCheck out our past approved EPICS in IEEE Projects examples.

The evaluation includes the following elements:

    • Problem summary and justification
    • Description of partnering organization (nonprofit or NGO) and their role
    • Proposed technological solution
    • Project planning documentation
      • Solution Details 
      • Budget
      • Timeline
      • Team Composition
    • Student learning outcomes
    • Impact and assessment plan

Submission Date & Timeline

    • Accepting Proposals: 1 September 2023 – 1 November 2023
    • Review of Applications*:  November/December 2023
    • Announcement of Grant Recipients: 29 December 2023
    • Deadline for Final Report: December 2024

*The EPICS in IEEE Committee will review all proposals and final reports. The Final report will be due 1 year after the team receives access to the funds.

Partner Requirements

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is partnering to bring $50,000 for projects from AP-S groups that include the following elements. If you are part of AP-S please make sure to select AP-S  in the partnership drop-down in the application.

  • One team member should be an active AP-S Member. Teams can be composed of teachers, faculty members, young professionals, and local AP-S chapter members
  • AP-S-relevant technology should be used in the proposed solution to address a local community challenge
  • The field of interest of the AP-S encompasses:
    • Antennas and applications and systems pertinent to antennas, propagation, and sensing. Click here for the full list of interest areas.

IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) and EPICS in IEEE are partnering to bring $10,000 in funding for projects that utilize semiconductors, integrated circuit chips, and hardware to address the challenges of climate change and support the conservation of our natural resources. If you are part of SSCS please make sure to select SSCS in the partnership drop-down in the application. In addition to the requirements of  EPICS in IEEE, here are the guidelines for SSCS-focused proposals:

  • High-impact projects that can stimulate meaningful change in local communities, or address global environmental challenges, using hardware as a core technological tool. 
    • Examples range from building new chips, sensors, or communication systems, to using commercial, off-the-shelf components (e.g., prototypes incorporating Raspberry-pi/Arduino/FPGAs) to build systems that address the broad challenges.
  • Areas of interest for funding include (but are not limited to):
    • smart agriculture, environmental/food quality monitoring, waste reduction, reducing carbon footprint of industries, green manufacturing, green energy, efficient electrification, smart electrical grids, water purification, flood control, water management, wildfire mitigation.
  • The project should use or build a technological platform (including assembling commercially available components). Pure theoretical research will not be funded.

IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS) is partnering to bring $10,000 for projects from IMS groups. If you are part of IMS please make sure to select IMS in the partnership drop-down in the application. The proposals should have some of the following elements.

  • Development and use of electrical and electronic instruments and equipment to measure, monitor and/or record physical phenomena
  • Include metrology, analog and digital electronic instruments, systems, and standards for measuring and recording electrical quantities (in both frequency and time domains)
  • Can also include instrumentation and transducers for measurement of non-electrical variables, calibration, and uncertainty, instruments with automated control and analysis functions, safety instrumentation, and new technology applications.


    Terms and Conditions

    • Team leads must facilitate the completion of photo-release forms, liability waivers, and IP agreements prior to distribution of any funding. 
    • Project lead must submit quarterly check-in reports 
    • A final report, including a financial summary,  must be submitted by 15 December 2024
    • The funds for the project will be transferred to the team through the local IEEE section.
    • All funds must be spent during 2024.
    • Projects MUST comply with all national/federal, state, and local laws, guidelines, safety codes, and restrictions.
    • All projects that involve children must follow IEEE Guidelines for Working with Children. Any project funding will be contingent on policy compliance.
    • In the event the project collects, uses, processes, or otherwise involves the personal data of any individual, the grantee agrees that they shall, to the maximum extent possible, respect the privacy of those individuals. Grantee will comply with all applicable data privacy laws or regulations.
    • Projects developing a medical technology device must collaborate with medical professionals and/or organizations. EPICS funds may not be used for a) tests of medical equipment on people/animals or b) mass production and/or deployment of devices that require but have not yet undergone the appropriate regulation, such as government approvals. Medical device manufacturing and deployment are highly regulated fields and may require partnership with and approval by relevant national/federal, state, and/or local authorities. 
    • All projects considered for funding will be shared with the IEEE Office of Risk and Insurance Management Services (ORIMS) and, in some cases, the IEEE Legal & Compliance Department, for their review prior to the final decision.
    •  Projects must avoid any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest. Project teams must abide by the IEEE Principles of Business Conduct. 

    Submit your Proposal

    Complete the EPICS in IEEE Proposal form in our Grant Management System. Submit your proposal using the link below. For information on how to use our grant management system, see the tutorials linked here. Proposals will be accepted starting September 1st.


    Do you have any questions you wish to ask about the potential suitability of your proposal? If in doubt, please contact EPICS in IEEE at epicsinieee@ieee.org before submitting your proposal. The committee can review the scope of your project prior to submission.

    Past Environmental Projects

    Gili Genting Island’s Oxygen Conservation: IoT-Driven PV-RO for Salt and Drinkable Water Production

    Gili Genting Island’s Oxygen Conservation: IoT-Driven PV-RO for Salt and Drinkable Water Production

    Development of a solar-Powered Smart Pump Drive for Sustainable Irrigation Farming in Uganda

    Development of a solar-Powered Smart Pump Drive for Sustainable Irrigation Farming in Uganda

    What we breathe? – North Macedonia – $8,645

    What we breathe? – North Macedonia – $8,645

    IEEE CEC SIGHT – Water Surface Cleaning Robot – $ 5,185.05

    IEEE CEC SIGHT – Water Surface Cleaning Robot – $ 5,185.05

    CAPTURE – Citywide Assessment and Pollution Tracking for Urban Resilience and Environment

    CAPTURE – Citywide Assessment and Pollution Tracking for Urban Resilience and Environment



    Solar PV Powered IoT – Sustainable Smart Greenhouse – USA (WV) -$4000

    Solar PV Powered IoT – Sustainable Smart Greenhouse – USA (WV) -$4000

    Reliable and Sustainable Clean Water Access for Kakoma Community

    Reliable and Sustainable Clean Water Access for Kakoma Community

    Smart Monitoring of Fruit Trees: The case of olive trees – Western Turkey

    Smart Monitoring of Fruit Trees: The case of olive trees – Western Turkey

    HiveGuard: Sustainable Apiculture

    HiveGuard: Sustainable Apiculture

    Revitalizing Rural School and Empowering Indigenous Communities – Malaysia

    Revitalizing Rural School and Empowering Indigenous Communities – Malaysia

    Enhancing Water Hygiene: Microplastic Surveillance in Aquatic Environments – Pakistan – $5448

    Enhancing Water Hygiene: Microplastic Surveillance in Aquatic Environments – Pakistan – $5448



    Gaia: Smart and Sustainable Forest – INDIA

    Gaia: Smart and Sustainable Forest – INDIA

    Mitigating the taxonomic impediment problem of plants using ML and citizen science-Lebanon

    Mitigating the taxonomic impediment problem of plants using ML and citizen science-Lebanon

    Hydration Automation (HA) – US

    Hydration Automation (HA) – US

    HyaciGuard: Restoring Water Ecosystem Innovatively

    HyaciGuard: Restoring Water Ecosystem Innovatively

    Credit based smart garbage disposal bin – India

    Credit based smart garbage disposal bin – India

    Automatic Water Level Control System for Alternate Wetting-and-drying Technique – Thailand

    Automatic Water Level Control System for Alternate Wetting-and-drying Technique – Thailand

    Monitoring of Groundwater using IoT – Pakistan

    Monitoring of Groundwater using IoT – Pakistan

    Automation of the drying of Andean grains for the  vulnerable communities of Angamarca, Cotopaxi

    Automation of the drying of Andean grains for the vulnerable communities of Angamarca, Cotopaxi

    Nitrogen-sensing drones for understanding air quality

    Nitrogen-sensing drones for understanding air quality

    Improved Solar Dryer Technology to Preserve and Sustain the Quality of Agro-produce

    Improved Solar Dryer Technology to Preserve and Sustain the Quality of Agro-produce



    Renewable Power Source(s) and Related Technologies Vehicle for Educational Outreach

    Renewable Power Source(s) and Related Technologies Vehicle for Educational Outreach

    Light Trap Systems for Lepidopteran Pest Monitoring

    Light Trap Systems for Lepidopteran Pest Monitoring

    Generating Environmentally Friendly Power while Reducing Ill-health

    Generating Environmentally Friendly Power while Reducing Ill-health

    ISort – Sort and Shredding Machine to change Gen Z

    ISort – Sort and Shredding Machine to change Gen Z

    Vietnam Sustainable Shrimp Farming

    Vietnam Sustainable Shrimp Farming

    Pico satellite for measuring meteorological and water conditions

    Pico satellite for measuring meteorological and water conditions

    Environment friendly and Efficient Honey Harvest Alert System for Bee Farms

    Environment friendly and Efficient Honey Harvest Alert System for Bee Farms

    Project Koyash

    Project Koyash

    Dreck Administration for Immaculate Purlieu

    Dreck Administration for Immaculate Purlieu

    Sustainable Localized Food and Educational Systems

    Sustainable Localized Food and Educational Systems

    Reducing Chicagoland Ecological Footprints via Outdoor Recreation Centers and Personal Gardening

    Reducing Chicagoland Ecological Footprints via Outdoor Recreation Centers and Personal Gardening

    Measuring Nitrogen Level in Carmans River by using a Conductive Polymer-Based Sensor

    Measuring Nitrogen Level in Carmans River by using a Conductive Polymer-Based Sensor

    Urban Gardens for Sustainable Education and Agriculture

    Urban Gardens for Sustainable Education and Agriculture

    Lake Litter Solutions

    Lake Litter Solutions

    Spatial Extent Monitoring of Coastal Sunny-day Flooding

    Spatial Extent Monitoring of Coastal Sunny-day Flooding

    Project DIANA

    Project DIANA

    Henry County Aquaponics in the Park

    Henry County Aquaponics in the Park

    Aeration Project with AZGFD

    Aeration Project with AZGFD

    ASU EPICS: Hydration Station

    ASU EPICS: Hydration Station

    San Jose State University – Sustainability Education through Aquaponics

    San Jose State University – Sustainability Education through Aquaponics

    Understanding and Designing a PV Power Plant for Usage in a High School in Barranquilla

    Understanding and Designing a PV Power Plant for Usage in a High School in Barranquilla

    Elementary Energy

    Elementary Energy

    UCT Western Cape Breeze

    UCT Western Cape Breeze

    Wireless Sensor Network for the Restoration of Oyster Beds in the Great Bay of New Hampshire

    Wireless Sensor Network for the Restoration of Oyster Beds in the Great Bay of New Hampshire

    Sun in a Bottle

    Sun in a Bottle

    Wind-Powered Electrical Supply for Humanitarian Field Operations

    Wind-Powered Electrical Supply for Humanitarian Field Operations

    Green Cart

    Green Cart

    Air-quality Microsensors for Earth Observations

    Air-quality Microsensors for Earth Observations

    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Recycling Program

    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Recycling Program

    Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development Laboratory (RESDL)

    Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development Laboratory (RESDL)

    Monitoring Air Quality Near Marcellus Shale Drilling Sites

    Monitoring Air Quality Near Marcellus Shale Drilling Sites

    University of KwaZulu-Natal Photovoltaic Lamps

    University of KwaZulu-Natal Photovoltaic Lamps

    Zambia OpenBTS

    Zambia OpenBTS

    Using Renewable Energy to Promote Rural Education

    Using Renewable Energy to Promote Rural Education

    Zimbabwe Lightning Occurrences

    Zimbabwe Lightning Occurrences

    Supporting Organizations