LOCATION: Cape Town, South Africa
- University of Cape Town IEEE Student Branch
- Oaklands High School
The University of Capetown Student Branch developed a wind power turbine out of scrap material which was able to deliver 50 W of power.
Wind turbine has the potential to be used as lighting for the school or for a mobile clinic.
Over 7 sessions, secondary school students met to learn about renewable energy and to construct the wind turbine. Students learn importance of design and environmental impact.
EPICS in IEEE PILOT PROGRAM 2009 * Excerpt from the projects final report*
” EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service)‐High is an IEEE initiative that organizes High school students (known more formally as learners in South Africa) to work with University students to solve engineering problems. While the concept of EPICS is not entirely unique (introduced by Purdue University), the edge that the IEEE has added, relates to linking EPICS with High Schools, and this opportunity is envisaged to be eventually carried out by IEEE Organizational Units world‐wide. In 2009, the IEEE South Africa Section gave the University of Cape Town (UCT) IEEE Student Branch (SB) an opportunity to execute an EPICS‐High pilot project. The UCT IEEE SB has therefore carried out an EPICS‐High project in conjunction with Westerford & Thandokhulu High Schools. A Projects Committee was setup to plan and oversee Project execution. The committee was composed of UCT IEEE SB members. In this way, the University of Cape Town, along with the IEEE Student Branch, Drexel University, PA, USA is one of the first student branches globally to carry out the IEEE EPICS‐High initiative.
The theme of the Pilot Project was renewable energy; this theme was seen as ideal given the climate of Cape Town, which is very well‐suited to Wind Power. The Projects Committee also felt it would be an ideal opportunity to educate participating learners about the importance of Renewable Energy, given the global shift towards cleaner energy sources. The Project Team looked at ways and means to develop green technology that have a positive impact on community.
The remainder of this report outlines the planning and execution of the EPICS‐High Pilot Project as carried out by the various collaborators.”
To read the full report click read more