A multi-disciplinary team from North Carolina State University is creating a new design for Light Trap Systems for Lepidopteran Pest Monitoring that addresses two issues related to inconsistent trapping and poor trap placement that reduce exposure to moths. Light traps are an important monitoring tool for moth pests of agricultural crops worldwide. The team will design and deploy an ideal system that can be portable and could be placed in wide-open agricultural areas with full exposure.
The new portable and sustainable traps can be deployed at strategic locations on several farms and research sites. These traps can also be modified for other moth species and deployed to monitor globally impacting field and specialty crop farms at production scales. The overarching project adds to the education and outreach via NC State Extension targeting farmers. Enabling the data collection in more relevant locations will help researchers and farmers in predictive analytics for future decision-making. This project will give rise to more multi-disciplinary opportunities in engineering, plant science, and agriculture impacting the outcomes of all the fields.
EPICS in IEEE granted this team $5,050 to complete this project and deploy a prototype in the community. The project team has partnered with the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Soybean Producers Association to create the best solution for the community.