Saurabh Sinha
MEMBER GRADE: Senior Member

A student member since the 1990s and Professor of Engineering and Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Internationalization at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, “I acquired experience within IEEE in a multi-faceted and fascinating way through geographical and educational activities,” Saurabh Sinha said.

“As an IEEE volunteer,” he recalls, “I thought I would learn a little and change the world, but IEEE changed my world in the process. Today, I have a professional network of friends and global leaders in academia, government and industry in 60 countries and the strength of this network has become significant in my technical work,” said Saurabh, who’s since helped recruit more than 1,000 IEEE volunteers.

Saurabh proudly donates to IEEE’s Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS), an initiative he helped found, for many reasons. “EPICS has the potential to change the world by uniting university and high school students, volunteers and non-governmental organizations in a vertically-integrated model of education for society, using technology to collaboratively solve local community challenges,” he said. “New generations of volunteers have evolved EPICS in IEEE beyond what we even conceptualized and this was only possible thanks to the IEEE Foundation’s support and promotion of EPICS in IEEE.”

Through the more than 150 EPICS programs underway globally, Saurabh said, “we’re bringing access, digital inclusivity, environmental renewal and education and have seen the lives of needy people change in both big and little ways,” he said. “If one looks for a program enabling sustainable development, EPICS in IEEE is an important enabler that makes engineering relevant – particularly for those wishing to realize their vision for humanity through engineering and service.”