Aug 1, 2016 | Project Updates
Representatives from the IEEE Malaysia Section supported humanitarian efforts by designing and developing a cost-effective upper extremities rehabilitation system which includes an interactive element and other smart features for children with movement disorders such...
Aug 1, 2016 | Project Updates
A project, developed by the IEEE South Africa Section in 2015, helped solve a major environmental problem in the informal settlement of Kathrada Park. This settlement is home to some of Claremont, Johannesburg’s poorest residents. Without access to electricity, many...
Jun 9, 2016 | Project Updates
Binocular dysfunction, the inability of both eyes to work together, has been called the hidden learning disability. Indeed, few other physical conditions can so drastically affect the academic performance of children, including those with brain injury. Youngsters with...
Jun 1, 2016 | Project Updates
When Victoria Serrano was growing up in her native Panama, one of her favorite childhood pastimes was playing with Legos. Now completing her Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe while on leave from the Technological University of...
Jun 1, 2016 | Project Updates
When a loved one goes to prison, the emotional turmoil can be difficult for family members. But the children of incarcerated parents often carry the heaviest burden. While looking for an EPICS in IEEE project that would make a difference, leaders of the IEEE Student...
Dec 1, 2015 | Project Updates
Picture5Picture2Picture8 The objective of this EPICS project is to develop a device that converts the mechanism of physical hand sign language into alphanumerical characters which would assist the user to communicate via text display and speech. This product would be...
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